High hardness materials difficult to machine materials grinding blades

First, the characteristics of hard grind materials
1. Mechanical blade grinding force
2. Grinding high temperature
3. Work hardening tendency of large
4. Abrasive wear and
5. Low grinding efficiency
Second, the type of material is difficult to grind
1. Brittleness, toughness and ductility material having a large
    Such materials, such as ceramics, optical glass, precious stones, agate and other materials very brittle, their high hardness; austenitic stainless steel, tool steel certain toughness and strength are high; copper aluminum and other nonferrous metals, ductility great.
2. High hardness materials
     Hardness is high or not high hardness matrix there is a lot of hard particles mass of material, such as carbide, steel bonded carbide, vanadium high speed steel, etc. fall into this category.
3. Chemically-active material
     Grinding of such materials, under the action of grinding heat, due to the active material itself certain chemical elements is large, the surface oxidation of the material to form an oxide film, its mechanical hardness and abrasive blade close to the grinding difficult; some abrasive surface chemical reaction, altering the chemical composition of the abrasive surface, resulting in chemical abrasive wear. Titanium was part of this material.
4. High-temperature strength of the material
     Although this type of material hardness at room temperature is not very high, but in the grinding temperature can still maintain a very high strength, easy to produce plastic abrasive damage, causing heavy crushing, grinding wheels and wheel wear serious durability is very low. Nickel or cobalt-base alloy, iron - nickel-based heat-resistant alloys are such materials.